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Carbon emissions report

Everything about the Carbon emissions report and how you can use it to make better decisions.

Updated over 2 months ago


The carbon emissions report allows you to access CO2e emissions data to understand their sources and determine areas for improvement.

The carbon emissions report helps you to:

  • Analyze and understand the sources of CO2e emissions from your equipment.

  • Compare the performance of equipment in the same category to find improvements

Tracking CO2e emissions enables you to:

  • Have the upper hand by owning a dynamic indicator of progress toward Net Zero

  • Build an emissions reduction plan

The carbon emissions report allows you to answer the following questions:

  • How are my CO2e emissions evolving?

  • Where should I focus to improve them further?


Overview section

In this first section, get a quick overview of the CO2e emissions’ evolution since they have been measured, as well as its level for the current periods.

  • On the left, visualize the CO2e emissions per month or year.

  • On the right, visualize the tendencies for the current year, month, and week, compared to previous periods

Analysis section

By default, this second section is filtered for a rolling period of 7 days. You can switch to a 30 or 90-day view or choose a custom timeframe within the past 2 years.


Visualize for the selected period the total CO2e emissions in tonnes, the CO2e emissions per 100km in kg, and the CO2e emissions per hour in kg.

Daily evolution

  • Choose the periodicity at which you want to see the evolution of your CO2e emissions (Daily, Weekly, Monthly).

  • The evolution of your CO2e emissions is correlated to your productivity. Visualize your CO2e emissions, operating hours, and fuel consumption to distinguish a drop in activity and a drop in your CO2e emissions.

Category comparison

  • Identify the categories with the highest or lowest CO2e emissions

Asset performance

  • Identify the equipment with the highest or lowest CO2e emissions.

  • Sort the columns to identify the equipment you have the most potential improvement on.


How are CO2e emissions calculated?

Hiboo relies on the recommendations of the ADEME to calculate the CO2e emissions generated by a fleet of equipment.

  • The calculation is performed by taking the fuel consumption and multiplying it by its emission factor.

  • This calculation is therefore only based on the machines that provide us with fuel consumption data.

What data are filtered?

  • The filter at the top applies to the data throughout the entire report.

  • The date filter applies only to the Analysis part of the report.

  • The frequency applies only to the daily evolution.

Why don't all of my equipment appear on the table?

You can use the drop-down or pagination to view all of your equipment.

Why do usage hours differ from one report to another?

You have selected the same equipment and the same dates, but you notice differences in usage hours between reports.

  • Usage hours are not calculated the same way in different reports.

  • Usage hours in the hourly consumption report take into account equipment that has reported usage hours and fuel consumption.

  • Usage hours in the idle rate report take into account equipment that has reported usage hours and idle hours.

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