Add your equipment with your API credentials in 2 steps
Get your API credentials from :
Your dealership
The manufacturer’s platform
Enter your API credentials on the Hiboo platform
For your Caterpillar equipment specifically :
Caterpillar AEMP 2.0
🔑 Your Caterpillar AEMP 2.0 credentials are structured like this :
Client id
: iso15143_cust-004-xxxxxxxxxx-default_cc_clientClient secret
: ********************************* [35 characters]
Caterpillar Visionlink NextGen
🔑 Your Caterpillar Visionlink NextGen credentials are structured like this:
Client id
: visionlink_cust_xxxxxxxxxx_cc_client"Client secret
: *********************************************** [64 characters]
How to find your credentials ?
AEMP 2.0
On the MyCat platform (contact your dealer if necessary):
Create an account on the platform
Request your API login details on Request API access Demande d’accès API
At the end of the process, you will receive an email in the following form:
Subject: Client credentials and secret for ISO15143 AEMP
Attached please find your client credentials and secret for ISO15143 AEMP 2.0.
Your user has been set up and subscription keys are available at 2.0.Your identifiers will be attached to a file named
👉 iso15143_cust-004-xxxxxxxxxx-default_cc_client.txt
Visionlink NextGen
On the MyCat platform (contact your dealer if necessary):
Create an account on the platform
Request your API login details on Request API access Demande d’accès API
At the end of the process, you will receive an email in the following form:
Subject: Visionlink API client credentials and secret for xxxx
Attached please find your client credentials and secret for the Visionlink APIs(see .txt file). At this time you may begin using the following Visionlink API endpoints:
You can access the APIs and see scheme and information at
The Caterpillar dealer/customer API Adoption team will be contacting you to set up an adoption meeting to explain how to use the credentials to access the API.Your identifiers will be attached to a file named
👉 visionlink_cust_2969479756_cc_client
To know
This email may end up in your spam folder
Make sure that your equipment benefits from the ‘Performance’ or 'Connect Pro' subscription in the VisionLink application so that the data is updated in Hiboo. To do this, consult the ‘Resources’ tab and the ‘Subscription’ column in VisionLink
You can decline the meeting proposed by Caterpillar to explain how to use the API identifiers; the process being explained above