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Usage hours report

Everything about the usage hours report and how you can use it to make better decisions.

Updated over 4 months ago


The usage hours report allows you to analyse your fleet and understand the usage of your equipment.

The main focus of this report is on average daily hour per active asset.

You can then drill down to visualise the number of active days and the number of active and inactive assets.

This report helps you :

  • Identify equipment that is not being used enough.

  • Assess your progress towards your daily usage target.



Hover any chart to display the average usage hours per asset, the average days of use, or the number of assets used in the data point.


Overview section

In this first section, get a quick overview of your fleet usage since it’s measured, as well as its level for the current periods.

  • On the left, visualize your average daily usage hours per month or year.

  • On the right, visualize the tendencies for the current year, month, and week, compared to previous periods.


Analysis section

By default, this second section is filtered for a rolling period of 7 days. You can switch to a 30 or 90-day view or choose a custom timeframe within the past 2 years.


Visualize for the selected period the average daily hours per asset, the average active days per asset, and the active and inactive assets.

Daily evolution

  • Choose the periodicity at which you want to see the evolution of daily usage hours per asset (Daily, Weekly, Monthly).

  • Display the average days of use to complete your reading of usage hours.


  • In "Day" view, the days of use will be in the form of a straight line because the average is calculated only on assets that have had a day of use (the average over one day is therefore equal to "1").

  • In "Week" or "Month" view, this indicator will provide you with much more information, and will answer "Over the period of x days, how many days on average were my equipment used?"


Category comparison

Compare the average active days per asset of your categories.

The raised questions

- What is the average usage per category per asset on a daily basis?
- How many active days assets have been used, in each category during the selected period?
- How many active and inactive assets do I have for each category in the selected period?

💡 The answers

- The bars let you visualize the daily average usage (hours)
- The tooltip displays the average of active days you have.
- The tooltip displays the number of active and inactive assets for each category.

🔍 Shed light on

- The use optimisation of your equipment
- Decisions on your assets’ distribution…
- The state of your daily average usage
- Detecting the absence of use of equipment

Asset performance

  • Sorting the Average daily hour per asset column allows you to identify the most and least used equipment.

  • Sorting the Active days column column allows you to analyze the frequency of use of equipments.

  • Sorting the Total usage hour column allows you to identify equipment with the highest and lowest cumulative usage.


What is an active asset?

An asset is considered active if it has been used for at least 30 minutes per day.

What data are filtered?

  • The filter at the top applies to the data throughout the entire report.

  • The date filter applies only to the Analysis part of the report.

  • The frequency applies only to the daily evolution.

What is an asset used?

Asset which daily usage has passed 30 minutes during one day in the period.

What is days of use?

Days when daily usage for an asset has passed 30 minutes.

What is the average usage hours ?

Average number of hours an asset has been used per day of use. We therefore exclude usage during days of non-use (when daily usage is below 30 minutes).

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