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Fleet data report

Everything about the Fleet data report and how you can use it to make better decisions.

Updated over a month ago


The fleet data report centralises your fleet's key performance indicators in the form of a dashboard.

It allows you to view and analyse the indicators that matter to you: operating hours, distance travelled, idling hours and rate, CO₂e emissions, total and hourly fuel consumption.


Filters and period

  1. Select the period of time you would like to visualize.

  2. Filter on one or multiple criteria: by brand, company, model, category, source, favorites, and custom fields.

  3. Consult cumulated data, rates, means, and consumption.


Comparing two or more periods allows you to highlight your progress, performance and room for improvement.

As not all assets send us all the data, the number of assets taken into account in calculating each indicator is displayed.

Assets table

The equipment table enables you to view the usage data for the machines in your filtered fleet, over the defined period.

  • Search for equipment by name or model.

  • Consult, analyse and compare the data for your connected machines.

  • Show or hide columns for viewing or exporting.


For a more in-depth analysis (in Excel or Power BI, for example), export your data directly from the report header. Applied global filters and date ranges will be taken into account.

Three types of export are available:

  • Cumulative data

  • Daily data

  • Usage hours calendar

Integrate fleet data into Power BI

For greater control over visualization, data can be easily exported and integrated into Power BI.

Step by step

Exporting Fleet Data

  1. In the Fleet Data report, filter the assets and period you are interested in.

  2. In the asset list, display the relevant columns (assets properties and data).

  3. In the report header, click Export.

  4. Select Cumulative Data or Daily Data, depending on your needs.

  5. In the modal window, check Export for BI Tools. The export will be sent to you by email.

  6. Download the Export


  • Hide the Last Known Position column to speed up the export.

  • Processing may take time if the export contains a large amount of data.


Exports for Power BI include:

  • A table with a list of assets with their properties (serial numbers, categories, models, etc.).

  • A table for each data type exported (operating hours, distance travelled, production hours, etc.).

Import Data into Power BI

  1. Open Power BI and click Import Data from Excel.

  2. Select the exported fleet data file.

  3. In the Power BI Navigator, select the data tables to import.

    • Important: Don’t forget to import the Assets table to link the data to the right assets.

  4. Click Load to import the data.

  5. The relation is automatically created

Create Visualizations

  1. In the left menu, click Report View.

  2. In the Visualizations panel, choose a chart and drag it onto the canvas.

  3. In the Data panel, select the values to display and place them on the X or Y axis.

You can now analyze and explore your data in Power BI! 🎉


Why do I have some "0" displayed ?

In the report table, some 0’s value might surprise you. We might use it in the following cases:

  • We punctually have not received any data

  • We do not receive that type of data for some assets

  • We have received some strange data.
    Example: an asset has more than 24 hours of idle or usage for a day, negative kilometric value, etc.

What is the difference between the columns "Cumulative usage hours (Period)" and "Cumulative usage hours"?

  • Cumulative usage hours (Period) = Cumulative at the end of the selected period, which is the last recorded value during the filtered period

  • Cumulative usage hours = To date, which is the last known recorded value

  • Why my export has failed ?Why my export has failed ?Why my export has failed ?

Why my export has failed ?

This is likely due to the volume of data you are trying to export. To optimize your export:

  1. Reduce the export period

    • Limit the selected date range to lighten the generated file.

    • Export in multiple batches

  2. Filter the assets

    • Focus on the assets relevant to your analysis to reduce the amount of exported information.

If your export was for the “Fleet Data” report:

  • Disable the columns "Last known position," "Cumulative usage hours," and "Last known cumulative distance," which can generate a large amount of data.

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